Woman advisor

Fraud Safety Tips

At CCFCU we're providing members with useful tips to avoid being scammed. Fraudsters are in full force trying to get your attention with offers, promises of quick cash, and/or threats that aren't real.

Please know we will NEVER call or text you to ask for your banking information, including online banking username, passwords, credit card numbers, account numbers, personal information, or send you a link to open in an email or message.

If you receive something that looks questionable, please reach out to us before responding to it.

How to Avoid Being the Victim of a Scam

Block unwanted calls and text messages.
NEVER give your personal or financial information in response to a request that you didn't initiate. Legitimate businesses will not call, email, or text you to ask for your personal information, like your Social Security, bank account or credit card numbers.

If you receive an email or text message from a company you do business with and you think it's real, it's still best not to click on any links. Instead, contact them using a website you know is trustworthy, look up their phone number,
or go to their business.

Resist Pressure to Act Immediately
Legitimate businesses will give you time to make a decision. Anyone who pressures you to pay immediately, or for you to provide your personal information is usually doing so for fraudulent reasons.

Know How Scammers Will Tell You to Pay
Never pay someone who insist you pay with cryptocurrency, a wire transfer such as Western Union or MoneyGram or a gift card... and NEVER deposit a check for someone who asks you to do so and then send money back to them.

Stop and Talk to Someone You Trust
Before you do anything, talk to someone - a friend, a family member, a neighbor, someone you trust, or give us a call. Talking about it could help you realize it's a scam.

Your membership at CCFCU is important to us. We're here to listen!
Chat with us over the phone, send us a message using your mobile app, or stop in at any of our four retail branches in Monterey County.